RA is a band from Malmö, Sweden. It is Simon Minó, Erik Blondell, Felix Mårtensson and Martin Nilsson. Their music sounds dark and noisy with a lot of influence from punk and post-punk.
The band was formed in autumn 2012 and have released one 4-track EP, one single and one remix album with remixes from Trentemoller, Bam spacey, Noe spagato and Myth. A full-length album will be released early spring 2015.
Bloodline EP 10”These days / Prism 7”RA Remixes 12”Scandinavia 12”
Line Up :
vocals/drums: simon minó guitar: felix mårtensson bass: erik blondell guitar: martin nilsson
Label :
Adrian Recordings
Tracklist :
01 – These Days 02 – In My Veins 03 – The Void 04 – Be My Lover 05 – Scandinavia 06 – Bloodline 07 – Broken Bottles 08 – Prism 09 – The South 10 – Winter 2012
FUTURE is a three-piece band from Paris, identified by Reverberation Appreciation Society and The Black Angels' leader Christian Bland, as one of the most interesting upcoming psych band via their latest compilation.
Taken in the marble, the body on the cover, designed by upcoming artist Marion Costantin, greatly expresses the music of FUTURE. Horizons is a sensual, cold and gloomy record, sounding like the sequel of The Cure's Pornography (1982) but made in 2015. Sure, it's shoegaze but it's also much more, it's catchy, fierce and bright in its own darkness.
Their live shows are raw, dark and intense, a perfect soundtrack of our times.
For fans of : A Place To Burry Strangers, Soft Moon, Spacemen 3, The Cure, The Black Angels
"Quand on s’enquiert du passé, notamment dans un pays qui s’est violemment épris de Trisomie 21, Front 242 ou Kas Product, autant le faire avec doigté, le regard vers l’ailleurs, l’Angleterre et pourquoi pas le shoegaze. Et autant se baptiser Future. " (Hartzine)
Interview de Thee Oh Sees, par Dana Sagona de New York Public Library
Has any one book in particular had a lasting effect on you?
That's a tough one, but I'd have to say Flannery O'Connor's collected short stories. I waited 'til I was in my 30s to read her and I'm not sure why but I felt like a fool for putting her off til then. But really, so, so many writers have had lasting impressions it's not really a true answer.
What is a classic that you've never gotten around to reading but would like to one day?
Faulkner's work in general. I've been told countless times I would love it. I tried when I was younger but didn't slip into it.
What genre do you prefer?
I've been a classic sci-fi freak as of the past couple years. I'm almost through all of Philip K. Dick's work (which I'm sure you know is an army of stories). But, I'll read anything really. I'm a fan of fiction but I have dabbled in non-fiction. Mostly biographies- Miles Davis, Moondog, even Benny Hill.
What are you currently reading? If nothing at the moment, what was the last book you read?
Are you looking forward to any books to be released soon?
As much as I read I don't really keep up with current authors or their releases. I've always liked how books tend to just fall into your life whether by recommendation or lending or even trash picking. I do occasionally go out of my way to find new releases like the Alex Chilton [lead singer of Big Star and The Box Tops] book that came out not long ago called A Man Called Destruction. I haven't gotten around to it yet. A huge pile of books await.
While on tour, are you able to get much reading done?
I read almost every night. Short stories mostly on tour. Exhaustion lends itself well to a brief tale.
Do you have any tour memories involving books or libraries?
Honestly, we used to always go to libraries on the road because they were first to have free internet, so we would do all our routing and advancing for shows there as often as possible. Also, free newspaper reading!
Do you do any other writing aside from songwriting?
Not really. I wish. I would imagine to get skills as a writer, you'd have to be pretty dedicated to it, and music takes up most of my time.
Have any specific authors, books, and/or poems influenced your songwriting in any way?
Absolutely. I am constantly inspired by a line or image in writing. I have a book I keep next to the bed full of seeds for ideas; many are inspired by settings conjured by authors.
"E-books gives me the creeps. I have to look at a screen enough as it is. A book is a break from that side of life."
"The Miles Davis autobiography is pretty off the chain."
100% physical books. I'll go to my grave smelling a page and falling asleep with one over my face. E-books give me the creeps. I have to look at a screen enough as it is. A book is a break from that side of life.
Do you have a library card? If so, which library system are you a member of?
Now you know what John Dwyer of Thee Oh Sees reads, but do you know what the band sounds like? NYPL currently circulates two albums byThee Oh Sees. Place a hold today!
Line Up :
John Dwyer Timothy Hellman Ryan Moutinho Dan Rincon
Label :
Castle Face Records
Tracklist :
01 – Web 02 – Withered Hand 03 – Poor Queen 04 – Turned Out Light 05 – Lupine Ossuary 06 – Sticky Hulks 07 – Holy Smoke 08 – Rogue Planet 09 – Palace Doctor