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Pataugeage dans toutes les mares ! (Rock, Electro, Jazz, Hip-Hop, leurs dérivés connus, inconnus ou oubliés)

Tous les Canards vont à la Mare est une réalisation produite par Animation Média Picardie.

co : touslescanards@gmail.com

dimanche 28 octobre 2018

Album de la Semaine

Heaven Wil Rescue Us, We're the Scum, We're In the Sun

For fan of: Swans, The Birthday Party and Einsturzende Neubauten. 
Started in late 2012 in Berlin, Sneers, is a two-piece music project formed by songwriter guitarist 
M.G. Blaankart and drummer Leonardo O. Stefenelli. Heaven Will Rescue Us, We’re the Scum, 
We’re in the Sun is Sneers third album, recorded in Berlin in the long cold winter months of 
January / February 2018 with the studio collaboration of Kristof Hahn from Swans 
at the lap steel guitar. Songs were composed by M.G. Blaankart on acoustic guitar and 
she describes the record as an anthropocentric exploration of heaven and hell with 
the weapons of haunting lyricism, irrationality and intensity.

Line Up :
M.G. Blaankart
Leonardo O. Stefenelli

Label :
God Uknown Records

Tracklist :

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